Do you think you might be a sex addict? Test yourself

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The 12 Steps of SAA  |  The 12 Traditions  |  Sobriety  |  Anonymity  |  Spirituality  |  Sponsorship  |  FIND A MEETING

Photo by PeteSherrard/iStock / Getty Images
We found in each other what we could find nowhere else: people who knew the depth of our pain. Together we found hope and the care of a loving Higher Power. Our commitment is to help others recover from sexual addiction, just as we have been helped.
— Sex Addicts Anonymous, p. 2

If you believe you have a problem with sex addiction (or are wondering if you might) and you want to change your behavior, we recommend that you find and attend a meeting of Sex Addicts Anonymous as soon as possible. We have found that the path to recovery begins with meetings. You may attend as many meetings as you like, and they are free of charge. The only requirement is a desire to stop your addictive sexual behavior. You may find a list of meetings here. We wish you well in your recovery.

As a fellowship of recovering addicts, Sex Addicts Anonymous offers a message of hope to anyone who suffers from sex addiction.

Through long and painful experience, we came to realize that we were powerless over our sexual thoughts and behaviors and that our preoccupation with sex was causing progressively severe adverse consequences for us, our families, and our friends. Despite many failed promises to ourselves and attempts to change, we discovered that we were unable to stop acting out sexually by ourselves.

Many of us came to this realization when we started attending SAA meetings. In that setting we heard stories similar to ours and realized that recovery from our problem was possible. We learned through the SAA Fellowship that we were not hopelessly defective.

The basic principles of recovery practiced by SAA are found in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Although we are not affiliated with AA or with any other organization or agency, we are, indeed, grateful for permission to modify and apply the Steps and Traditions to sex addiction, making recovery possible for us.

In meetings, we listen as men and women share their experience, strength, and hope with each other to find freedom from addictive sexual behavior and help each other recover from sex addiction. SAA meetings offer an accepting, non-threatening environment where we can share our common struggles and learn how to apply the principles of the Twelve Steps to our everyday lives.

We practice strict anonymity and confidentiality, so that our meetings are a safe place for all of us. Whom we meet or what is said in a meeting is considered as confidential.

Our fellowship is open to women and men, regardless of age, race, religion, ethnic background, marital status, or occupation. We welcome members of any sexual identity or orientation, whether they are gay, lesbian, straight, bisexual, or transgender.



Letter writers/sponsors needed! | Confidential  program.

Great way to serve & carry the  SAA message of recovery to prisoners.


We've made it easy to do with a suggested format. Spend less than an hour a month.

For more information contact:

Chuck S. | Prisoner Outreach Chair | Cell: 678-640-7832

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